Cover Reveal: Shadow of the Colossus, Holly Drake #4

I took a hiatus for half of July and August, but I’m back now, and stronger than ever. You know how it works . . . with breaks and such. How they rejuvenate . . . 

I went a few places. Saw a few things. Expanded my mind, not with Zen or drugs, but with brutal, unrelenting exposure to the freeway, the chilly clime of Northern California, and my kids.

With no breaks. 

To be fair, my amazing cousins were there to help out. And I wasn’t necessarily doing it for myself, although it was epic and I came away from the adventure with the knowledge that I’m a warrior who can do anything I set my mind to (like break a stack of bricks with my forehead . . . I totally did that! heh) and if I want it bad enough. 

So that’s why I’m here, again, and I’m not stopping until I rule the world . . . with my mind . . . and uh, my books. And the characters in my books! We’ll dominate together! 

I don’t know what that means, really. But I know that I’m pumped to do this cover reveal. The colors look fabulous. And I’m excited to say that this has a tentative release date for the end of September. 


Heart of the Colossus Launch Day Giveaway

Wow, look at that! A launch AND a giveaway!

Welcome to the 3rd book in the Holly Drake series. This is the “everyone liked the steampunk gun” giveaway (and not so much the other steampunk swag) wherein the intrepid author reverts back to what WAS working, rather than trying something new and interesting.

If it’s not broke, don’t fix it as they say. They also say “guns kill people, people don’t kill people” (or do I have that backwards? That depends, I think, on your politics, but let’s leave those at the door and do a giveaway together!). This gun will kill no one, because it’s just a cool NERF gun made to look wickedly awesome.

And it can be yours if you’re the lucky chap or chappette whose name gets drawn at the end of July. So you’ve got to ask yourself, do you feel lucky? . . . I mean, really, do you? I wasn’t trying to reference a popular film or anything. This gun isn’t a 44 magnum and your name isn’t Gladstone Gander is it? Because he’s the luckiest duck alive. And…*pulls herself out of weird pop culture reference vortex*


Just enter. Just do it.

And remember, you can enter by tweeting EVERY day!

➔Amazon U.S.
➔Amazon universal link:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cover Reveal: Heart of the Colossus

So here it is, the cover for Book 3 in the Holly Drake series! It comes out on July 12 and it will not be in Kindle Unlimited. I’m putting that announcement here now, so you can plan your future reading. 

Here’s why: Amazon has been having issues with page reads. I’m not really sure what’s happening, but I don’t want these bots to result in my books getting banned from Amazon altogether. So, I’m taking all my books out of Kindle Unlimited. I’m sorry to do this to my readers, and I am myself a subscriber. But I have absolutely no idea how I can protect myself from these supposed click-farms/bots or whatever. If Amazon came out with a definitive: do not use these promotion sites, do not do A, B, or C, then I could have some security in knowing what it is I can do to protect my books from being targeted. 

Anyway, this is supposed to be a happy post about my awesome cover! Thanks to Milo at Deranged Doctor for doing such a fucking bang-up job on making Holly Drake and her world come to life! I haven’t named book 4 yet, but there will be a book 4! So stick around!

Preorder on Amazon ➝ ➝

Hands of the Colossus Steampunk Swag and $50 Giftcard Giveaway

Another wicked sweet launch, another wicked sweet giveaway. This one will flesh out your amazing steampunk cosplay gear. Those goggles, when worn correctly,  will increase your peacocking sensibilities to an 11 and you’ll be the life of every party, subway ride, and workplace water-cooler gossip session.

That watch? I heard (rumor? Maybe…) that it is actually capable of time-travel. Yep. It comes with a chain so you don’t lose it when you’re out and about, sporting your vest while peacocking to get the attention of birds everywhere (why are you always peacocking?).

I know that what you’re really here for is the eBook. But I’m also offering a signed paperback version of Hands of the Colossus, because as part of everyone’s peacocking HOME collection, you really ought to have great books in your bookcase. Signed, preferably. To impress geeks like me at all the parties you’re constantly throwing.

Tweet every day for more chances to win, and be sure to share and like on all your social media outlets.

God speed!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Eye of the Colossus $50 Amazon Giftcard Giveaway

Hey so as part of the festivities over the launch of the Eye of the Colossus, I’m doing this giveaway. The big prize is obviously the signed paperback copy of Eye of the Colossus. The smaller bit is just the lame $50 giftcard (I mean, who even wants one of those things? Yuck). I know, right? But I’ll make you have it if you’re the winner, because that’s just part of the deal, though I know what you’re really here for is the wicked sweet cosplay aether blaster and the pendant (it came all the way from FRANCE, guys, FRANCE!).

So enter in as many ways as you can and remember, you can do the Tweet this message thing everyday for additional entries. 😉

God speed!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Eye of the Colossus Cover Reveal

Ready for this? OK, so normally I want to have a post full of interesting things in addition to the cover reveal, but as it happens, I’m swamped with EVERYTHING at the moment. So I’m just going to throw this puppy up there and say thanks for coming by to check it out. Here is the pre-order link if you’re interested. There’s going to be more fun throughout the month of April leading up to the launch day on the 19th (giveaways, takeovers, etc!). So check back and like my Facebook page so you don’t miss a thing! 


The City of Jade Spires, the biggest in the 6-moons, is a breathtaking symbol of hope and unity for the four races. But it’s also a hub of corruption. Holly Drake is proof of that. Fresh out of prison for a mistake framed to look like cold murder, she’s broke, jobless, and branded with a prison record.

When she lands a gig stealing back the Eye of the Colossus jewels, the chance for a big payout means she won’t have to depend on anyone else. She’s never had that kind of freedom. She’ll do it. Even if the work is only a shade lighter than outright crime.

But soon she finds herself pursued by thugs from the Shadow Coalition, an underworld government that wants her dead. Pulling off the heist without getting killed means putting trust in recruits she hardly knows. The clock is ticking to get the jewels, but a mistake now could be fatal. Chasing across the 6-moons to complete the job will test her grit and determination to succeed when everything is stacked against her. More than that, finding out just what secrets the 6-moons hold will either turn her into the hero the moon system needs, or destroy her…

Preorder on Amazon ➝ ➝

New Series Name Reveal

Hey! So great news. I’ve finally named the series I’ve been working on. It only took me FOREVER to name it. If you didn’t already know, I hate naming pretty much anything. Unless the name is the first thing that I come up with, the process is usually fraught with a lot of tension and stress.

Remember when I had 9 months to come up with the name of my son (first kid)? It took nearly the entire 9 months. I know there are people who actually have the baby in their arms and still no name. That’s pushing it A LITTLE far, guys. Come on. Give your kid a name!

Ok, so that’s not me. But I do struggle with it. Because names are EVERYTHING. Unlike that fine, fine Shakespeare quote: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other word would smell as sweet.”

Bull shit. Ha.

Want to have an argument about names and how important they are? Does anyone wish to challenge me? Come on! I’m breaking out my dueling gloves . . . I’m about to do some glove-slapping . . .

Please take two minutes to watch “Glove Slap” if you haven’t seen it already. It’s too good to pass up. And it will bring you pure joy and possibly some of the best lines you can incorporate into everyday life.

“Glove slap, I don’t take crap!” “I choose pistols at dawn!” “Oh why did I have to slap a guy who says ‘suh.'”  I could keep going . . . I mean, it’s never-ending. One of my top Simpsons episodes. Actually, this entire episode is so freaking good, empirically speaking. The entire, ENTIRE thing. 

Anyway, wow, what a tangent. Back on track.The series is officially named (well, not quite official, it can be changed until it’s got an ASIN assigned to it and I can’t change it without getting a new ASIN and whatnot). Here you go, in refreshing bullet-points with a side of lemonade: 

  • Eye of the Colossus: A Holly Drake Job Book 1
  • Hands of the Colossus: A Holly Drake Job Book 2
  • Heart of the Colossus: A Holly Drake Job Book 3

And beyond the Holly Drake Job bit, they fit under the umbrella “6-Moon Adventures” (still playing with this one.) First I’ll be releasing the Gabriel Bach short story. Gabe is loosely related to Holly–he’s a detective in the police force in the City of Jade Spires. Yeah, Spires! Right? Everyone loves a good spire.

It will all make sense someday . . .

The first to read Gabe’s story (which I haven’t named yet, but is nearly done), will be the subscribers to my Patreon, followed by the readers on my mailing list–people who’ve signed up via one of the forms on my website, either to nab “Feed 0.5” or “The Blue Blue Eyes of Dark Dark Space.” 

So if you’ve signed up that way, you’re in. Otherwise you’ll have to grab it through Amazon. It won’t be free on KU because then I can’t give it to my most loyal readers! Check back in a week or so to see the name of Gabe Bach’s short story or to see if I’ve revealed any covers. Because this stuff is happening quick!

2018: the Year for B.A. Heroines

Welcome to 2018! I know everyone thinks 2017 sucked, but honestly it wasn’t that bad, IMO. I mean, things can only get better, right? 

Here’s how I’m getting over 2017 and the disaster it seemed to be. Setting goals for 2018!

I’ve spent a few hours mapping out my plans for the year and they’re like HUGE. I’m all in, but if you don’t go hard, go home, is what I always say. I mean, to myself. I say that to myself. Not you. You’re obviously extremely and eagerly welcome here even if you don’t go hard. 

So what’s on the slate? 

Feed 4 is coming out soon. And once that’s done, I’ll bid farewell to that long-time coming series. Here and there I might revisit it, depending on what feedback I get from readers, but for the most part, I’m going forward. It’ll be weird to say goodbye, but it’s definitely not good riddance. 

I’m currently finishing up a short/novella crime procedural set in this wicked awesome universe that I can’t wait for people to visit. It’s got a great little cast of characters that I LOVE. And if readers love them too then I’ve got two spin off series’ set in that universe. 

Spin off is a loose term. Because, it gets complicated. 

Let me explain. I’m currently in the midst (also) of outlining the first book in a series set in the same universe. Starring a bad ass heroine. She’s connected to the cast of characters in the crime procedural. But her story(ies) moves in a different circle. The story/stories weirdness is because I’m outlining three books. And if readers like them, I’ll keep writing more. Each one will have a resolved ending, but more books will be easy to add. 

Bad ass heroines. Future cities. Capers. Heists. Aliens (cool aliens). Space. Just keeps getting cooler and cooler and more kickbutt and tougher. Sidenote: my book won't be so grim-looking...

So. Bad-ass heroine on the way. It’ll be sort of steam-punk, but not heavy, and that’s mainly due to the setting and the tech-level. It won’t feel like Victorian-era steam like H.G. Wells and such. At least, at this point. 

Anyway, the crime procedural cast are detectives in the police force. They also live in this universe. The setting is wicked sweet. It’s a big part of why I’ve got this stuff going on. Because I love it. And I can’t just plan one story in it. So one of the characters in the crime procedural is related to the main character in the BA heroine series. Which still doesn’t have a name. 

Some of this depends on reader reception. What I think is awesome may be totally lame to my readers. But this is what I have planned. Of course, I also have a novella planned in one of my other universes, where the Blue Hearts of Mars takes place. And as usual, I keep writing and posting short stories on my Patreon page, and I tend to do that every month. 

So what’s on your list? I’d love to hear about it. If you have thoughts about the direction I’m going, let me know in the comments. 


