Where Adventure awaits

Space opera, urban fantasy, and more.

Holly Drake and her crew, Cin & Gui, Zach and Anna, Lightbeard and Amanita, Dred & Hank... heroes whose stories you won't want to end.

Exciting news! I recently launched book 3 in the Cin & Gui series (Delta Underground Operatives), bringing this arc to a close!

The first book in Lightbeard’s School for the Broken series is available now. Click on the cover to grab your copy from Amazon.

Upcoming Appearances


New Orleans, French Quarter

Writer’s MBA 


March 19 – 22

Some of my latest projects...

Spaceship hovers over mushrooms

Check out the audiobook of a short story from the Delta Underground Operatives universe. This is the origin story of Gui and Ichabod. Narrated by Tee Qillin, this is currently free for your listening pleasure on Youtube.

Find your next Book crush

Cin & Gui

Zach Coburn

I enjoy N. A. Grotepas work but she has exceeded all expectations with this book. There were times that real life got in the way of reading and it was almost physically painful to stop reading...” — Malcolm, Scotland

I love Nicole Grotepas' books but this one takes it to the next level. Chapter 1 is the best start to a book I have read in a very long time. The writing is absolutely beautiful...” — Karen, UK

N. A. Grotepas somehow reaches into your very unconscious and pulls out every doubt, fear, excuse or reason you've had NOT to pursue your own spiritual self-worth and weaves them into a mystical, magical, terrifying and utterly frustrating yet fulfilling story that will baffle your analytical mind.” — Mary, Goodreads reader

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